Marriage Matters…a Lot! (Part 2)

In the last blog post I promised to tell you more about a powerful marriage-related resource that I hope will benefit many.

By way of background, I shared a devotional at our C3G career networking ministry ( a couple of years ago and a gentleman in attendance introduced himself to me afterwards.  He briefly explained that he was married for many years and was eventually divorced by his wife.  He was subsequently introduced to a book written by a Pastor in Arizona by the name of Ken Nair.  The book is called, Discovering the Mind of a Woman – the key to becoming a strong and irresistible husband.

He went on to tell me that he was struck by the concepts in the book and ultimately called the author and asked him if he would be willing to disciple (or mentor) him on the concepts outlined.  One of the fascinating parts of the story was the question the author asked my new friend: “If you knew for certain that your wife would not come back to the marriage, do you still want to make the investment of your time and energy to learn and apply these concepts?”  His answer, the only one that would qualify him to walk with Nair in this process, was “Yes!”

The rest of the story is that they ended up working together over a few months and my new friend recounted, with tear-filled eyes,  that he and his wife are now remarried and fully committed to their union.  How cool is that?

I was captured by the whole story and immediately purchased the book and read it in a week.  The approach Nair outlines is simple yet powerful and I must warn you men that it’s not for the faint of heart.  It is a book written for men and Nair tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to the role we play in the health of our wives and in our marriages.

I’m now studying the book with a dozen other guys in our neighborhood Bible study and the discussion has been powerful…and convicting.  Don’t buy the book based on the enticing title and assume that you are going to figure out why your wife is so messed up and the secret to “fixing” her.  On the contrary, you’re going to learn why a husband’s ability to be Christ-like (or not) has such a profound impact in our marriages.

This book is not about placing blame.  Rather, it’s about how a man can better understand how to bring out the best in your wife.  The same woman that you fell so madly in love with many years ago because we love her in a way that makes us irresistible.

If your answer to the following two questions are “yes”, I’d recommend you get your hands on this book:

  • Do you have a desire to make your marriage relationship better than it is today?
  • Do you want to do more than “survive” your marriage for as long as you both shall live – and instead “thrive” in your marriage?

I look forward to walking with Christian men who want more for their marriage than they have today.  Could I ask you to pray for me in this journey – that God will provide clarity on how (and with whom) I can best contribute in this arena?

I also welcome your thoughts and ideas!

About aservantsmusings

A recovering, Type "A" workaholic who is intent on loving the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind and loving others as Jesus has called me to do.
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